The Star E-dition


WE SPEND so much time talking about sex, the actual physical nuts and bolts of it. These days, with swiping left or right and hook-ups, we barely have time to decide if the person we are hooking up with is suitable to have a conversation with, never mind whether this is someone who you can be intimate with.

I believe that intimacy is a vital component of love. It is where the trust, care, affection, nurturing and all the positive characteristics of love reside. It’s a touch or a look. It may be unexpected and so moving that you remember the moment for the rest of your life.

When the intimacy is gone, or worse never there, your relationship will start to fade.

Building and maintaining intimacy in a relationship is vital but chances are we have forgotten how to be intimate and really don’t know how to get it back.

Read the full column at https://bit. ly/42x1yfx.

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