The Star E-dition

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative


THROUGHOUT my life I have been fortunate to cross paths with fascinating and powerful individuals. But, how did these powerful individuals come about? Recent studies state that there is one lie about power: “A powerful career, an incredible partner and fantastic friends is something an individual will not have in their lifetime.”

Literature proves that this is not the case. Your road to power starts with you, the way you think, how you see the world, how you behave and how you live your life. Power has an interesting truth: it can be earned or lost within a moment. So, do you find yourself walking on a path to power?

If not, try to understand the science behind it. Intelligence is the ability to correctly deal with unpredictable events. We pay attention to powerful people because we know they create change for the benefit of all. If you want to be powerful, always be prepared for change – it requires a change of vocabulary as well.

Start by removing these phrases from your mind: “I can’t”, “I don’t believe”, “I am bad at”, “I am afraid of”, “It is impossible”. Stop exposing yourself to negative words, instead replace negative phrases with “I can”, “I know”, “I will”, “I am confident”, “Anything is possible”. Use these words and it will start to make you feel powerful. Strong individuals never lose themselves in their journey to power.

Let us enter the minds of powerful people. Did you know that these individuals have more faith in their own thinking and ideas? Maybe you have noticed that powerful individuals impress and intimidate by saying less. Reputation is the foundation of power; by reputation you can win in life.

Individuals on their path to power appear well-balanced, find it easier to manage failures which only gives them greater confidence. They are goal-driven and set high standards, they do not aim low. They like productivity and dislike being involved in things that have no benefit.

Power is achieved by inviting a new network of individuals in your life, individuals who can respect your identity, your passion, your way of life. True relations will understand their boundaries with respect to your life. Individuals who think the same will share a similar view of life, you will find their habits will stick to you. These individuals will support you in your life journey and in return, you should provide your support as well.

Often, we find individuals are in denial about themselves and are wrong in believing that they are the best yet we all have a few bad qualities. It is hard to be truthful about our bad qualities, but those bad qualities prevent us from reaching the power we deserve. Spending time alone to reflect on aspects of life will better your life. Now you get to work with strategies to accept or change your bad qualities – this is an important step along the road to power.

Moreover, individuals in power should not be obsessed with the greed for wealth and misuse their positions. They should remain honest, level headed and generous. These are the questions you should ask yourself to find the truly powerful people in your life: “Who is most controlling in your company?”, “Who impacts you most on your finances?”, “Who is impacting more than one aspect of your life?” and “Do they have any control over you?”. Studies show you can only be powerful if you have control of your own power.

Every time you are fake, it always shows. Managing relationships is necessary as it questions “Who you spend the most time with?” and “Are these individuals uplifting you or lowering you?”. Say no to toxic individuals in your life, get rid of fake people, instead build relationships with sincere people. It is a question of when to say “yes” or “no”, it is the balance that matters. If you say “yes” to everything, you may not have time to improve aspects of your life. Saying “no” is a significant step on your road to power. You must trust your intuition, say “yes” to, I want power and “no” to, I do not want to waste time.

Your life will improve by kicking out things that are pointless, hopeless and useless. Stay true to yourself on your way to power, you may not have all the friends but research shows that you will soon reach your true destination. Start a new habit and, after two months, consider whether this article has helped you gain more power in your career, your relationships, or your life. I believe you will be surprised.





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